“Your session was high impact & everyone loved it”
Julie Gray
Corporate Faculty Ltd
learn the secrets
Undercover Expert
Undercover Expert is the keynote speaker you wish you’d seen years ago.
Focusing on the psychological mechanics of magic I use my background in law, theatre, showmanship & magic to explore the fundamentals of performance and how these techniques can be applied to management, leadership & sales.
Blending my renowned passion for business, performance & magic I present a streamlined fusion of upbeat magic effects with an engaging and informative keynote speaker presentation.
My performance guides audiences through magical metaphors so I teach as I amaze, demonstrating the real-life work-place applications of my undercover expert principles.

“Sam is the best magician in the UK”
Juan Mata
Manchester United
Who is this Keynote for?
The UNDERCOVER EXPERT keynote presentation is for companies looking to:
with their customers to build trust & loyalty
better with colleagues, teams & customers
the needs of others & how to provide clarity
your staff and develop your business
under pressure and deliver results
To book Sam for your conference or event please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch!
Phone: (+44) 0794716604
Email: email (@) samfitton.com